Prioritization of Urgency of Need for Services Program (PUNS)
PUNS- Prioritization of Urgency of Need for Services Program
Public Act 103-0504, which was effective January 1, 2024, requires IEP teams to determine if a student has registered for the PUNS list and requires schools to provide various information to the family if the student is not registered. The legislation required the Illinois Department of Human Services and Illinois State Board of Education to develop an online training program that includes information about the PUNS database, how to register for the database, and about organizations that offer assistance to families in understanding PUNS and the registration process.
PUNS is a database that registers individuals who want or need Developmental Disability Waiver services (i.e. Community Integrated Living Arrangements, Home Based Supports, Child Group Homes) funded by the Illinois Department of Human Services/Division of Developmental Disabilities. As funding is available, individuals are selected from PUNS and invited to apply for DD Waiver services. PUNS has 2 categories: Seeking Services (category for people who currently need or desire support) and Planning for Services (category for people who do not currently want or need support but may in the future). PUNS selections are based on a person's cumulative length of time in the Seeking Services Category. As funding is available, individuals are selected from PUNS and invited to apply for DD Waiver services. To register for PUNS please contact Central Illinois Service Agency at 217-732-4731 or
If you have a student with a developmental disability and would like assistance registering for the PUNS list please contact the following;
Dawn Theivagt, PUNS Designee Prek-8th grade
Laura Synder PUNS Designee 9th-12th grade